Roku PIN Problem? 10 factors you have to know about Roku PIN

Roku PIN is the most important part of our Roku device. Every Roku user must connect their Roku device with the Roku Account.

To protect the unwanted purchase and install premium channels and protect from children, Roku provides a security PIN named Roku PIN. This PIN gives parental user control. This PIN setup is optional. Today We will see all questions answer about Roku PIN.

What is Roku pin?

Already I told a little bit of Roku PIN. Roku PIN( personal identification number) is a security layer of the Roku account. We need to provide our payment details when we create a Roku account. Anyone can purchase from the Roku store without our presence because we have already added our payment information. To protect unwanted purchases, we can set up this PIN.

Suppose Anyone who wants to purchase from the Roku store by our account requires Roku PIN that we set up. If he can put the PIN correctly, he can make the purchase. The same process to add a new channel on Roku requires Roku PIN that we set up. When you go to install a new channel, it requires our PIN.

How to get a Roku pin?

Roku does not provide any security PIN with our device. We have to create this PIN in our Roku account. Usually, it’s up to us. If you create a PIN, then you can use this PIN. Otherwise, you have not required any PIN when purchasing from the Roku store.

How do I find out my Roku pin?

Most of the time, we forget our Roku PIN. That’s why a question comes to our mind about finding out our PIN—the answer to this question is that we will never find our old PIN on your account. You have to set up a new PIN. To set up a new PIN, we do not require our old PIN. Check Roku PIN reset or change process.

How to change the Roku pin?

If you want to change your Roku PIN, then go to Log in to your account by email and password. On the PIN preference, click the Update button. Now set up your new PIN and verify this PIN by typing again. Then click the save button. See the full process.

How to reset the Roku pin?

 If you want to reset your Roku PIN, go to the Roku website and log in. Click My Account, then click the update button on the PIN preference. Now type your new pin and verify this pin by typing again. Then click the save button. See the full guideline.

What to do if you forgot your roku pin?

If you’ve forgotten the Roku PIN, don’t worry because you can set up a new PIN without the old PIN. Just change your PIN from your Roku account. Then you can use this current PIN when it’s required. Click here to change Roku PIN.

How to figure out your roku pin?

Is it possible to figure out my old Roku PIN? The answer to this question is No. It is not possible to figure out our old PIN. We have to set up a new PIN instead of our old PIN. I want to remind you again that Roku does not need the old PIN to set up a new PIN. So you have to set up a new PIN if you forget.

How to remove the Roku pin?

Sometimes we need to remove our Roku PIN. Follow my instructions if you don’t know how to remove Roku PIN.

  • Go to and log in to your account by email and password.
  • Now click My Account, then click Update on the PIN Preference.
  • Under the PIN create option, you will see 3 options that are  1. Always require a PIN to make purchases and add items from the channel store; 2. always require a PIN to make purchases; 3. a Pin is not required to make any purchase or add any items from the channel store
  • Now Select, a pin is not required to make any purchase or add any items from the channel store option.
  • At Last, click the save button. After that, Roku PIN will remove from your Roku device.
  • After removing Roku PIN, no pin is required when purchasing something from the Roku store or adding any new channel.

With this simple instruction, you can easily remove your Roku pin.