Top 10 Useful Commands in Siri

Let’s talk top 10 useful commands uses of Siri these can be used in daily life:
Setting Reminders: By just saying “remind me to…” and then the task you want to be reminded of, Siri may assist you in setting reminders for a variety of chores. To help you remember crucial appointments or meetings, you can also set reminders for particular times or places.
Text Message Sending: Siri enables you to send text messages without touching your phone. Simply tell Siri to text ” Hey Siri, send a text to [contact name]” and speak your message.

Calling: Siri can make calls for you even if you’re driving or using your hands for something else. Say “Hey Siri, call [contact name]” to activate the feature. Siri can also be used to place Skype or FaceTime calls.
Playing Music: You may use Siri to manage your favorite song.
Getting Directions: Siri can help you get directions to a specific location or find nearby businesses. Just ask Siri, “How do I get to [location]?” or “Where is the nearest [type of business]?” and it will provide you with turn-by-turn directions or a list of nearby options you can use.
Others: Commands for Siri include adding items to lists, turning on the flashlight, making calls on the speaker, and searching for pictures.
You can also ask Siri to locate your parked car.

How do I activate Siri?

Top 10 Useful features in Siri

Firstly, if you want to use Siri more efficiently, it’s recommended to set up the “Hey Siri” feature on your phone. Although Siri can be activated by holding down the power or home button on your iPhone, enabling “Hey Siri” allows for many more ways to use Siri. To do this, go to Settings > Siri, search, and listen for “Hey Siri.” Siri will then prompt you to recite a few lines so that it can learn your voice and be more accurate.
After you set up “Hey Siri,” you may notice that Siri doesn’t work when your phone is face down on the table or in your pocket. However, you can enable this feature by going to Settings > Accessibility > Siri and turning on “Always Listen for ‘Hey Siri’.” Once enabled, Siri will work no matter where your phone is, even if the front is covered.
Interesting uses of Siri:
Moving on to some useful commands, the first one is to ask Siri to add an item to your grocery list in your Reminders app, or any list for that matter. Within the Reminders app, you can ask Siri to add an item to a specific list, which is handy if your hands are full or dirty when you’re cooking or if you think of something on the go and want to add it quickly. For example, you can say, “Please Add beans to the grocery list.”
The second command is to ask Siri to turn on your flashlight. If you’re in a dark room and too lazy to reach for the light switch or need to find your phone, just ask Siri to turn on your flashlight. Siri will respond, “Turn the flashlight on,” and your phone’s flashlight will turn on.
If you’ve lost your phone and know it’s in the room with you somewhere, you can just say, “Hey Siri, where are you?” Siri will respond, “I’m over here.”

How to set up Siri

The third command is to ask Siri to call someone on speaker. If you add “on speaker” to the end of your sentence, Siri will make the call and put your iPhone speakers on the call. For example, you can say, “Call Jason from work on speaker.” This is a great feature if you’re lounging on the couch and want to make a call without having to take your hands off what you’re doing.
The fourth command is to ask Siri to show you a picture of something. For example, you can say, “Hey Siri, show me a picture of Dua Lipa.” Siri will pull up a few pictures from Google of whatever you’re looking for, right within the Siri interface.

More about Siri:

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